70 year old with decompensated liver disease with portal hypertension with thrombocytopenia , hepatic encephalopathy ( resolved ) , ? spontaneous bacterial peritonitis .

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

A 70 year old male came with 

c/o fever since 4 days

c/o pain abdomen since 4days 

C/o pedal edema since 3 days

C/o yellowish discoloration since 4days 

C/o fever since 4 days associated with chills and rigor,low grade ,on and off,lasted for 1 day,relieved on medication,c/o 1 episode of shivering 4 days back for t minutes 

No h/ o loc, uprolling of eyes ,frothing ,tongue bite 

C/o pain abdomen since 4days associated with distension since 4days 

No h/o vomintings loose stools decresed urine output ,sob ,chest pain, palpitataions

C/o buring mictuaration 4days back associated with loss of appetite 

C/o pedal edema since 4days 

C/o yellowish discoloration of eyes ,urine since 4days 

No h/o change in stool color ,pruritis 

No h/o any bleeding (hemoptysis,melaena bleeding gums) 

Alchoholic since 4p years daily 90 ml 

No h/o Smoking 

Outside reports 

Cue - albumin - nil 

          Pus cells -4 -5 

           Bile salts, bile pigments +


Tb-6.7 , Db -3.8 ,Ib - 2.9 

CRP + 

RBS -132


Hb -12.4 , tlc - 14800 plt - 72000

Past h/o 

Similar complaints 8 years back diagnosed with alcoholic liver disease,ascitic tap was done ( no records available) 



G/E : pt is c/c/c

Temp -99 F

PR 111 bpm 

BP - 120 / 70 mmhg 

RR - 24 cpm 

GRBS-108 mg/dl  


Cvs - S1S2 heard ,no murmers 

Resp - B/ l air entry present 


            creps heard on left IAA


      Soft ,tenderness present in epigastrium and right hypochondrium 

    Abdomen distended in all quadrants 

    Bowel sounds present

Investigations :

Serum amylase : 30 IU/L

Lft :TB - 9.02

DB - 7.21

AST -95

ALP - 538

Tp - 4.3

Albumin - 2.0


Urea - 88

Uric acid - 7.4

Sodium- 132


INR - 1.4

APTT - 42 secs

Asicitic fluid ADA - 12 IU/l

Treatment : 

Salt restriction diet less than 2.5g/ day

Fluid restriction less than 1.5/day

3 eggs white 

O2 inhalation to maintain spo2

Protein powder 2 tsp in 100 ml po/BD

Inj thiamine 100mg in 100ml NS / IV/ TID

Inj optineuron 1amp in 100ml NS / IV / OD

Inj augmentin 1.2g IV / BD

Inj pantop 40mg IV / OD

Inj zofer 4mg IV / BD

BP /pr / spo2 charting 2nd hourly

Strict I/o charting

Grbs charting 6th hourly

Temperature charting 4th hourly

Tab udiliv 300mg PO / BD

Tab aldactone 25mg BD

Syp. Lactulose 15mg PO/BD

Daily abdominal girth and weight charting

Inj vit k 10mg IV 

Tab rifaximin 550mg PO/BD

Day 2 :

No fever spikes , pt passed stools yesterday , did not pass today

O/e : pt is c/c , icterus + 

Abd. Girth : 85cms

Wt : 60kgs

I/o : 1300/1000

Grbs : 71 

Pr : 110bpm

BP : 130/80mmhg

Asterixis : + , fine tremors : +

CVS : S1 S2 +

RS : BAE + , fine crepts + in RT and LtIAA

CNS : no FND


APTT : 34 secs

PT  : 17 secs

INR : 1.2 

Serum electrolytes :

Sodium -136

Potassium -3.8


Cell count of asicitic fluid 

Appears : slightly cloudy

Colour : pale yellow

Total count: 480 cells / cumm

Neutrophils : 70

Lymphocytes : 30

Rbc : present

Treatment : 

Same treatment given 

Day 3 : 

Passed stools today

O/e : pt is concious , icterus +

Pr : 100 bpm

BP : 130/80mmhg

Cvs : S1 S2+ , no murmurs

Rs : bae + , CNS : no FND

P/A :  Distended  ,  tenderness + in RT hypochondrium and epigastric region

And girth : 86cms

Wt : 56 kgs

Investigations :

Serum electrolytes : 

Sodium - 138

Potassium - 3.3

Chloride - 98

LFT : 

TB - 9.62

DB - 6.79

AST - 84

ALP - 524

TP - 4.7

Albumin - 2.06

Hemogram : 

Total count : 14,000

PCV - 28.7

MCHC - 36.4

RDW CV - 15.2

Rbc - 3.27

Treatment : 

Same treatment given + inj cefotaxime 2g IV / BD

Day 4: 

No fever spikes , pt is subjectively feeling better , passed stools 3times 

O/e : pt is concious , oriented to time , place , person 

Abd girth : 92cms

Wt : 52kgs

I/o : 620/900ml

Pr : 92bpm

BP : 150/90 mmHg

CVS : S1 S2 + ,. CNS : no FND

RS : bae + , fine crepts + in ISA , IAA

P/A : distended , guarding +, tenderness in epigastrium , hypochondrium 

Percussion : tympanic 

Fluid thrill - negative , BS- negative

Investigations : 

Serum electrolytes :

Sodium - 137

Potassium- 4.8

Chloride - 99

Serum creatinine - 0.8

Blood urea - 65

Hemogram -

Total count - 11,600

PCV - 28.9

MCHC - 36.5

RDW CV - 15.6

Rbc - 3.33 million/ cumm


Same treatment given 

Diagnosis : 

Decompensated liver disease with  ? portal hypertension with thrombocytopenia , hepatic encephalopathy ( resolved ) .


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