43 year old male with bilateral loin pain and pain abdomen

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

Here is a case i have seen:

 A 43 year old male presented with C/o vomitings,decreased appetite, b/l loin pain since 12 days

Pt was apparently asymptomatic 12 days back then he c/o decreased appetite since 12 days and vomitings immediately after intake of solids, liquids which was non bilious,non blood stained since 12 days and stopped 4d ys back

C/o burning micturition since 12 days

C/o decreased urine output since 10 days, c/o constipation since 10 days, fever since 4 days(subsided now)

No history of pedal edema, cough,cold,sob,palpitation

Pt had h/o similar complaints in the past ?pancreatitis 7 years back

Pt had h/o usage of NSAIDS for?joint pains since 7 years

8 yrs back h/o skid and fall from bike and sustained trauma to RT knee for which casting was done 

Since 7 yrs b/l knee pain started , on and off  after 6 months generalized joint pains , non radiating  , on and off ( b/l wrist , elbow , shoulder , ankle , small joints of fingers for which he took multiple injections of tramadol , decadron ) 

There is no h /o morning stiffness , fever   

In the past 6 months he didn't took any injections , he was using tablet pcm whenever he has pain .

H/o of swelling present since 7 yrs at b/l metatarsophalangeal joints , elbow , sternoclavicular joint . He developed b/l knee swelling 5 yrs back for which pus was aspirated  ( each knee joint 2 times ) and took some antibiotic injections ( no records available ) 

K/c/o chronic alcoholic since 20 years daily 90ml

Not a smoker

Not a k/c/o DM, HTN, CVA, CAD, epilepsy, asthma

Examination :

O/e pt is c/c/c

Afebrile to touch




P/A:soft,tenderness present on b/l loin region, rt hypochondrium, hepatospenomegaly present,BS:sluggish


CVS:s1,s2+,no murmurs


Investigations at admission

X ray erect abdomen day 1


Treatment : 
1. Nbm till further notice

2. Iv fluids NS with optineuron and RL

3. Inj lasix 40mg IV / od

4. Inj pantop 40 mg IV /od

5. Inj zofer 4mg IV TID

6. Inj HAI s/c intermittent grbs
8am - 2pm - 8am

7. Grbs charting 6th hourly

8. Strict I/o charting hourly 

9.Bp,pr ,spo2 charting hourly

10. Temperature charting 4th hourly

11. Inj piptaz 2.25 IV/ tid

12. Inj tramadol 1amp in 100ml ns

Day 2

C/o B/L loin pain decreasing in intensity

C/o constipation since 19days,not passing flatus

No fever spikes over night

Grbs 191

I/0 1500/1800

Ryles drain 100ml

O/e pt is c/c/c

Afebrile to touch




P/A:soft,tenderness present on b/l loin region, rt hypochondrium, hepatospenomegaly present,BS:sluggish RS:B/LAE+,nvbs

CVS:s1,s2+,no murmurs , CNS - no FND

Treatment sips of water plus same treatment

Day 3

C/o b/l loin pain decreasing intensity

C/o constipation since 12 days , passing flatus 

No fever spikes 

Grbs - 181 

I/O - 2100/2300

Ryles drain - 500ml

O/e :

Pt is c/c/c 

Pr - 78bpm , regular  BP -120/80mmhg 

CVS - S1 S2 + , RS - BAE + NVBS  , CNS - no FND

P/A - tenderness in RT hypochondrium

B/l loin pain . BS sluggish


Plenty of oral fluids - 3l/ day , liquid diet 

Plus same treatment given 

Rules tube removed 

Soap water enema at 8pm

Day 4

Passed stools yesterday night

No fever spikes

GRBS - 187

I/O - 2250/2300

O/e : 

Pt is c/c/c

PR - 72bpm  regular BP - 110/70 mmHg

CVS - S1 S2+ ,. RS - BAE + NVBS , CNS - no FND

P/A - soft, tenderness in RT hypochondrium

         BS + sluggish


Treatment : same treatment given.

Day 5 : no fever spikes , pt passed stools today morning 

                     O/e : pt is c/c/c
Pr -79 bpm 
BP - 100/70 mmHg
Grbs 190 
CVS - S1 S2 + 
RS - Bae+ , NVBS 
CNS - no FND 
P/A - tenderness in  RT hypochondrium + , epigastrium + , BS + 

Treatment : same treatment plus tab nitrofurantoin 100 mg bd , tab febuxostat 40mg od

Day 6 : no fever spikes , pt passed stools this morning 
O/e : pt is c/c/c
PR - 68bpm
BP - 110/70 mmHg 
Grbs - 201
I/O - 2500/2000


FNAC of swelling 

Treatment : same treatment given.

Day 7 : no fever spikes , pt did not passed stools

O/e. : Pt is c/c/c
Pr : 70bpm
BP - 110/70 mmHg
CVS - S1 S2 +
Rs - bae + , NVBS +
CNS - no FND
I/o - 2000/2000

Investigations :
Hemogram : Hb - 10
Tlc - 19,400
Plt - 3.4 

Rft - urea 73
Creatinine - 2.8
Uric acid - 5.3

Na - 135
K - 4.0
Cl  - 98

Treatment - same treatment plus inj tramadol 1 amp in 100ml ns IV and tab goutnil 0.5mg BD for 3 days

Day 8 - c/o one fever spike yesterday 
             Pt did not pass stools 
             C/o of pain at swelling near left elbow 

O/ e : pt is c/c/c
Temp : 98.4 
 Pr - 90 bpm
BP - 110/70 mmHg
Cvs - S1 S2 +
CNS - no FND
Rs - bae + , NVBS + 
Grbs - 110 mg/DL

Investigations : 
Hemogram - Hb - 10.4
Tlc - 21,100
Platelet - 3.84

Rft - urea - 67
Creatinine - 2.4
Uric acid - 4.3

Treatment : same treatment plus methyl prednisolone 16mg po/BD 

Diagnosis : Acute pyelonephr itis, Chronic pancreatitis , Pre renal Aki ( resolving ) , soft tissue mass in mesentery ? Malignancy , alcohol dependence syndrome.



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