30 year old female with fever and diabetic ketoacidosis

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

Here is a case i have seen:

 30  year old female came with cheif complaints pedal edema and back ache since 1 year

Pt was apparently asymptomatic 1 year back then she pedal edema which was pitting type and she also developed back ache  

She also had episodes of shortness of breath ( non progressive )and facial puffiness 

No h/o abdominal pain , abdominal distension , fever , decreased urine output , vomittings , chest pain , burning micturition , generalised weakness.

Menstrual history : 3 - 4/30 ,no clots , no dysmenorrhoea 

One year ago she was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome then she used T.lasilactone , T.nephrosafe , T.wysolone for 2 months and stopped it . Not follow up since one year. 

Past medical records ( one year back ) :

24 hr urinary protein : 4120 , sr.creatinine : 1.0 , sr.albumin : 3.0 , USG : mild hepatomegaly with fatty infiltration and mild splenomegaly , Cue : alb +++ , Hb : 10.4 , TLC : 12,000

K/c/o HTN , DM , since one year used medication for 2 months and stopped

Not a k/c/o asthma , epilepsy , CAD , TB

O/e : pt is c/c/c

Pallor - absent , icterus - absent , cyanosis - absent , lymphadenopathy - absent , 

Temp - 98.4f , pulse rate - 76bpm , BP - 150/90mmhg , RR - 22cpm , grbs - 114 

S/E : CVS : S1 S2 + , RS : Bae + NVBS , 

CNS : no FND , P/A : soft ,non tender .

Investigations at admission :

APTT : 33 secs

PT : 16 secs , INR : 1.17 

Reticulocyte count : 1.5 

CUE : colour - pale yellow , appearance - clear , reaction - acidic , RBC - 6 - 8/hpf, pus cells - 5 to 6/hpf , epithelial cells - 3 to 4/hpf

Hemogram - Hb - 9.4 

Total count - 12,700 ,. PCV - 30.8

Mcv - 62.1 , MCH - 19.6 , RDW CV - 16.7 , RBC - 4.96 million/cumm

Treatment : 

T.lasix 20mg Po/BD

T.pantop 40mg PO/OD

T.neurobion forte PO/BD

Inj optineuron 1 amp in 100ml NS IV / OD

BP / PR charting 4th hourly

Grbs charting 12th hourly 

Strict I/O charting .

Day 2 : No fresh complaints , no fever spikes 

Grbs -123

O/e : pt is c/c/c 

Pr : 100bpm , BP - 150/90 mmHg , cvs : S1 S2 + , RS : bae + NVBS , P/A : obese , soft , non tender . 

Investigations : 

Fbs - 150 mg/DL , 

Lipid profile - total cholesterol - 309 mg/DL , triglycerides - 728 mg/DL 

Hb1ac - 7.5% 

Plbs - 310 mg/DL 

24 hr urinary protein - 3,120

24 hr urinary volume - 1,300 ml

Urinary creatinine - 0.97

Treatment : 

Same treatment plus T. Atorvastatin f ( 20/160 ) OD and T.telmisartan 20mg PO/OD


Day 3 : no fresh compliants

PT is c/c/c

Grbs - 125mg/DL , pulse rate - 92bpm , BP - 140/90mmhg 

CVS - S1 S2 + , RS - bae + NVBS , CNS - no FND , P/A - obese , soft , non tender 

Treatment : same treatment plus T.glimi M1 OD 

Day 4 

No fresh complaints 

PT is c/c/c

PR-72 bpm , BP- 130/90 mmHg

O/e : CVS S1 S2+ , RS : bae + NVBS , CNS - no FND , P/A  - soft ,non tender 

Treatment : same treatment plus T. Metformin 500mg PO/OD 

Diagnosis : nephrotic syndrome under evaluation .


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