14 yr old boy came with c/o fever and pain abdomen

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

14 year old boy came with c/o fever , body pains , headache , pain abdomen 
PT was apparently asymptomatic 11 days back then he developed which was insidious in onset , high grade associated with chills and rigors , more during night 

No c/o nausea , vomittings 
C/o fever with headache ( diffuse type of pain )
C/o body pains ( diffuse type ) since 3 days 
C/o pain abdomen since 3 days near umbilical region ( non radiating , not associated with vomittings ) 

No c/o malena , burning micturition , loose stools , sob , palpitations , weight loss 
No h/o rash 

No similar complaints in the past 
Not a k/c/o DM , HTN , epilepsy , tb 

Past h/o 
At 6 months of age h/o pneumonia for which he was hospitalised 
And 5 yrs back circumcision was done for phimosis 

O/e ;
PT is c/c/c 
Pr - 80bpm
BP - 80/60 mmHg 

CVS - S1 S2 +
CNS - no FND
Rs - bae + , NVBS 
P/a - soft 

Investigations on admission 
Cue - 
Colour - pale yellow 
Appearance - clear 
Alb - ++ 
Pus cells - 4 to 5 
Epi cells - 3 to 4 

CBP - 
Hb - 8.3
TC - 2,800
Lymphocytes - 16 
Plt - 80,000

Rft - 
Urea - 23
Creatinine - 0.7
UA - 2.3
Na - 135
K- 4.0
Cl - 106 

Serum iron - 67
Spot urine creatinine  - 121.2
Spot urine protein - 83.6
Ratio - 0.68

USG abdomen - 
Slightly altered echo texture of kidneys 
B/l tiny renal calculi

Course and discussion
Treatment day 1 
IVF DNS and RL @ 50 ml/hr
t.pcm 500mg / po / SOS 
Inj.buscopan IV /stat 
Adequate Orla fluids 
temperature monitoring hourly 

Day 2 
C/o giddiness 

PT is c/c/c
Temp 101.1F
Pr - 86bpm
BP - 70/40mmhg

 Reticulocyte count - 0.6
Ferritin - 1463.9
Esr  - 05 
TB - 0.81
Db - 0.32
AST - 85
Alt - 72
ALP - 291
Tp - 3.6
Alb - 1.99
A/g - 1.24 

Ns1 - negative 

Hb - 9.0
TC - 4,300
Plt - 40,000 cells /cumm

Treatment - 
Same treatment plus inj neomol 100mg /IV /SOS  and inj pantop 40mg /IV /od and inj monocef 1g/IV/BD 

Day 3
C/o weakness , dry cough , pain abdomen , increased frequency of loose stools (4 to 6 episodes )

Pr - 88bpm 
BP - 80/50 mmHg 
Temp - 102.8F 

O/e : lymphnode enlargement + in submandibular region and RT axillary region 
CVS - S1 S2 + 
Rs - decreased breath sounds in Lt axilla and scapular region 
CNS - no fnd 
P/a - tenderness + all over the abdomen 

Urine culture report - no growth 
Review usg abdomen- 
1.mild splenomegaly 
2. Gall bladder wall edema with GB sludge 
3. Moderate ascites 
4. Right intraabdominal testis with normal vascularity 

Impression - bronchopneumonia of b/l lower zones and right middle zone 

Treatment :
Same treatment given plus inj zofer IV / tid plus 
3 eggs whites/day 
ORS sachet in 1 lit of water throughout the day whenever the ot passes the stool
And t.sporolac po/BD 

Day 4 
C/o Dry cough , pain abdomen ( decreased ) , loos stools of 6 episodes ( watery consistency , 
PT is c/c/c 
Pr - 108bpm
BP - 90/40 mmHg 
CVS - S1 S2 + 
CNS - no FND 
P/a - abdominal distention + , bowel sounds +
R/s - RT interscapular inspiratory crepts + 

Temp - 103F 

Lft - TB -0.9 
Db - 0.2
AST - 101
Alt - 35
ALP - 256 
Tp - 4
Alb - 1.87
A/g - 0.88

Hb - 0.95 
TC - 8200
Plt - 50,000

Same treatment given 

Day 5 
C/o loos stools ( 4 to 6)  episodes , watery consistency , pain abdomen decreased 

Pt is c/c/c 
Temp - 98.1F
BP - 90/60 mmHg 
Pr - 96bpm 
Cvs - s1 S2 + 
P/a - soft , non tender ,bs + 
I / o - 1200/1500ml 

Investigations -
24 hr urinary protein - 268
24 hr urine volume - 850

Sr electrolytes 
Na -134
K -3.5

Day 6
C/o loose stools ( watery consistency ) 10 to 12 episodes 

PT is c/c/c 
Temp - 101.1F 
BP - 90/60 mmHg 
Pr - 90bpm 
CVS - s1 S2 + 
Rs - left crepts + 
P/a - soft , non tender 

I/o - 2500/1200

Treatment - same treatment given 

Diagnosis - pancytopenia with hypoalbuminemia secondary to ? Enteric fever 


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